Monthly Offline Meetup to dive into the core of Bitcoin Tech

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Ever wanted to just sit down and talk about Bitcoin coding stuff with people who get it? BITDEVS is where you meet people who code and breathe Bitcoin. We talk about real Bitcoin projects, share code, and solve problems together in a language we all understand. No fluff, just Bitcoin and code.

Upcoming Meetup

We're all about diving into Bitcoin's tech together. Whether it's your first time joining us or you're a regular, there's always something new to learn and people to meet. Check out the next one below....

Oops! Bitcoiners not found this month :(

This month, we're not doing a BITDEVS session. Come back soon to check details for any updates.

See us in action

A picture's worth a thousand words, right? Browse our previous meetups gallery to get a feel for what our meetups are like.

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