
A Pathshala for Bitcoin

Empowering developers to thrive in Bitcoin FOSS World


Bitshala is a grass-root, organic education initiative (a pathshala) led by Indian bitcoiners to provide guidance and resources for new developers starting their bitcoin journey.

While a lot of Blockchain courses exist out there to provide surface-level API lessons on EVM like "smart contracts", the technical knowledge requirements for Bitcoin Development are much wider and nuanced.

Bitcoin is a multidisciplinary subject covering Software Engineering, System Engineering, Networking Protocol Design, Game Theory, Cryptography, Economics, and Social Dynamics of Complex Systems like the Market. Thus, creating a comprehensive bitcoin course is probably impossible in its entirety, and nothing in the existing academia and programming boot camps satisfies such requirements. New people trying to enter into Bitcoin development thus have to scour through a big set of parallel subject domains, not well organized and spread across the internet.

Thus Bitshala aims to provide the ground for ideating, producing, and publishing different categories of content in Open Source to satisfy the varied learning need of an aspiring Bitcoin Developer.

Lazysatoshi, Learning Bitcoin via CLI

Game-changer for Bitcoin Education!

The questions and practical exercises. I think they are very well designed to make you deeply reflect on the studied topic. It help me a lot to consolidate knowledge. The kindle and super fast support from bitshala team and the rest of bitshala comunity. Sharing knowledge, experience and a lot of good stuff. I was awesome to me you all. I loved the day when instead of following the planned agenda and discussing the weekly questions, there was a debate on philosophical and profound topics about money and bitcoin. It was great

- Lazysatoshi, Learning Bitcoin via CLI

Faisal, Learning Bitcoin via CLI

Transformative Learning Community

I feel elated to be a part of the first cohort of graduates from Bitshala, and I hope that it turns into a beacon of Bitcoin literacy in India. It's a tailor-made platform and an avenue of great resources for those who are keen on traversing on a path to learning and imparting Bitcoin education.

- Faisal, Learning Bitcoin via CLI

Shreyan, Learning Bitcoin via CLI

Rich and Empowering Learning Experience

The LBTCL-cohort was an unbelievably rich and empowering exercise in learning the finer details of a Bitcoin node and transactions. Raj and Setu have made the experience worth so much by their sheer enthusiasm and dedication, that it leaves a mark on you. The mentorship and the community at Bitshala is invaluable, and like Bitcoin, it will gradually then suddenly take the world by storm

- Shreyan, Learning Bitcoin via CLI

Wondering, what's in store for you?

Bitcoin Dev journey is hard. We prepare you for the voyage.

Community. Clubs. Cohorts. Guidance.

Scroll to disover our Community, Study Cohorts, Reading & Review Clubs, Bitdevs, FOSS Mentorships, Gigs & More.

Bitcoin Study Cohorts

You, with fellow learners collectively explore selected texts over several weeks in a structured self-study format. You gain hands-on experience and in-depth insights into Bitcoin’s technical aspects. And also receive certificates to celebrate your wins!

Bitcoin Talk

You get to listen to insightful conversations with experienced Bitcoin developers as they share their journeys, provide valuable advice, and offer suggestions for newcomers in the exciting world of Bitcoin development.

Bitcoin Core Review Club

You get hand-on experience into the inner workings of Bitcoin Core and understand how experienced contributors review PRs. You’ll also develop a deeper understanding of Bitcoin’s design principles while sharpening your adversarial-thinking skills.

Discord Community

Come and become a part of our vibrant community of Bitcoin enthusiasts. Here, you can engage in discussions, challenge ideas, and explore Bitcoin opportunities with like-minded peers passionate about shaping the future of decentralized finance.

Kickstart Bitcoin Career now!

Our People

Raj Maitra

Pen-and-paper engineer turned keyboard warrior in multiple rabbit holes. Often known for making a mess. An actual rabbit.


Joined Bitshala to run Bitcoin Core on his Dive Computer. Didn’t work, but he’ll keep trying.

Anmol Sharma

When he is not talking about Bitcoin,he is busy writing code. But let's be honest, he is usually busy talking about Bitcoin.


A design ninja with a lot of good questions. Too many actually. So we hired him instead of answering.


Contemplating by a river in his humble hut with his laptop, he codes. He says thats all he needs.


PM juggling Bitcoin FOSS projects and ventures like a circus performer.


Adam Jonas

An invisible force in Bitcoin. Nobody knows what he does. So we’ve stopped asking.

Adi Shankar

The monk who gave us the name and the logo, but never explained what they mean.

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